Writing paper for kids
How To Introduce Your Topic In A Research Paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Digital Equity
Running head: Digital Age Grand Canyon University: With the expansion of web use and the utilization of the advanced innovation shoppers have affected the manner in which we see wellbeing administrations and the social insurance conveyance framework. Since buyers are looking for wellbeing data online it causes use to reexamine the manner in which we think about the clinical data we get from our essential consideration supplier and the connection between that supplier and his patients. Numerous customers look for data for themselves, for companions and family.Consumers look for wellbeing data by means of the web, telephone, fax, email framework, conversation sheets, interpersonal organizations, gatherings, and release sheets. The foreseen moves in administration are auxiliary to the absence of instruction, proficiency abilities, and doubt of suppliers, neediness, and the absence of wellbeing inclusion. â€Å"Consumers over all classifications old enough, training, salary, race, ethni city and wellbeing status expanded their data looking for essentially, yet instruction level remained the key factor in clarifying how likely individuals are to look for wellbeing information†(Tu, Cohen, 2008).A second purpose behind an adjustment in administration usage is the significant expense of clinical treatment and the protection premiums that patients must compensation. With the expansion of money related obligation patients have an increment inspiration to get wellbeing data and say something regarding their alternatives for treatment and installment. By utilizing the web customers have an important instrument that enables them, lessens social detachment, and assists purchasers with distinguishing clinical issues. One of the most basic manners by which the intensity of data can impact customers is by discovering approaches to help the shopper emotionally.The District of Columbia and their central government has discharged another local wellbeing data association (RH IO) intended to improve the manner in which medicinal services is conveyed. By empowering the utilization of the Health data innovation (HIT) they are improving consideration. The crucial the District of Columbia Primary Care Association (DCPCA) is to advance medicinal services change. The DCPCA achieves its crucial advancing the wellbeing value of poor people, uninsured, and the underserved inhabitants of the network. Through the mplementation of wellbeing change the District of Columbia has attempted to improve social insurance benefits through patient shared records, and clinical results over the association. â€Å"In 2009 social insurance change requested that we complete three things: (1) Improve the soundness of the populace everywhere; (2) upgrade the patient experience; and (3) diminish the per capita cost of care†(Baskerville ,S, 2011). With the ongoing improvement and developing patterns of cutting edge advanced innovation our more established patients can explore wellbeing data through the web and online technology.The web itself has changed the manner in which our older populace sees sicknesses and conditions auxiliary to the manner in which the data is shown. By expanding what we view and how we see it, we as customers go to three significant sites to look for clinical data, Medline Plus, Health Finder, CAPHIS. Patients look for trust commendable wellbeing data for arrangements and furnishing them with extra information in which to ask their clinical supplier. Clinical sites are intended to improve the capacity of the debilitated and the old through correspondence, social enthusiastic help, and upgrading the patient supplier relationship.The similitudes of network wellbeing data organize (CHIN) and wellbeing data arrange (HIN) is that they focus on helping administrations for a solitary network, while (RHIN) territorial wellbeing data organize focuses on the social network. Jaw hopes to improve proficiency, diminish care cost and upgrade s ocial insurance conveyance. RHIN is viewed as a multi-partner association. RHINO comprise of medical clinics, bosses and payers, and little centers. RHINO’s reason for existing is to empower the appropriation of wellbeing data technology.RHINOS’s primary target in the wellbeing organization is to improve nature of conveyance tolerant consideration, arrange wellbeing data, persistent client care and decrease conveyance care cost. References McGarth, N. (2010). Under tension: The changing job of medicinal services CIO. Recovered from http://www. necelevateperformance. com/pdf/Healthcare/EIU_NEC_Whitepaper. pdf Tan, J. (2010). Versatile wellbeing the board information framework. (third ed. ). Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett. Baskerville, S. (2011). Status of Health Care Reform Implementation in the District of Columbia. Recovered May 13, 2012 from online article source:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Careers in Acoustic and Audio Equipment Design :: Essays Papers
Professions in Acoustic and Audio Equipment Design Sound designers have a fascinating blend of character qualities. From one perspective they will in general love music and need to play a part in making it. Then again they are likewise admirers of innovation and ‘cool gear’. Alongside an enthusiasm for innovation typically comes an enthusiasm for seeing how it functions †a craving to ace the innovation. With certain individuals likewise comes a longing to go past the most recent rigging and ‘do it better’. They want to make new innovation which will give a definitive listening/handling/recording/and so on experience. This paper will investigate vocation openings that exist for those individuals. There are various regions of sound related plan in which to seek after a profession. To represent, consider the ordinary unrecorded music show. Most importantly, the presentation scene should be acoustically intended to give a decent listening condition. Each of the performers’ instruments is structured and relying upon the instrument the plan could have included acoustic just as electronic information. Sound support for the show includes a heap of gear each with it’s own plan models. At last, if the show is to be recorded and delivered on a CD, all the account hardware would should be planned just as the studio that it is utilized in. To structure something is to imagine and design. It is the craft of making the plan of parts or subtleties of something. Moreover, the purpose of structuring something is to address an issue or to take care of a characterized issue. Every one of the distinctive structure errands associated with the show situation requires an alternate kind of plan aptitude. There are essentially four territories of configuration included - acoustics, hardware, modern plan and mechanical structure. Every one of these zones covers with the other to some degree. Besides, every one of these territories has a ‘art’ side and a ‘science’ side to them. Acoustic fashioners make the arrangement for execution spaces like show lobbies just as recording studios, and whatever other space that necessities to give a quality listening condition. They may likewise be engaged with determining hardware to give sound support in the setting. Some acoustic plan firms offer a full scope of administrations, which may incorporate site examination, inside structure, lighting, force and HVAC frameworks, wire the board, planning, development organization, and acoustic tuning (Droney).
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Visual Learning with Mind Mapping (Guide) - Focus
Visual Learning with Mind Mapping (Guide) - Focus This is a guest post by Jesse Berg, MSIT, M.Ed. Jesse is the author of Visual Leap: A Step-by-Step Guide to Visual Learning for Students and Teachers and a former teacher, instructional technologist, and educational speaker. Connect with Jesse on Twitter via @visualleap. Mind mapping is often considered a visual learning strategy for brainstorming or visualizing ideas, but it is actually far more than that. The value of mind mapping goes beyond simple webbing done in elementary school. It is a universal thinking strategy; a way to organize ideas and learn just about anything. As I explain in my book, Visual Leap: A Step-by-Step Guide to Visual Learning for Teachers and Students, the reason mind mapping works so well is because it matches how people naturally think which is not how most people are taught. In this article, I offer a breakdown of the cognitive learning theories behind how the visual learning technique, mind mapping, can assist learners. I also provide 8 template mind maps, which you can take straight to the classroom. Why is Visual Learning So Useful for Learners? For teachers and students, mind mapping offers a fundamentally different way to work with information. For most of our lives, we are asked to learn information that is presented in a linear form. Lectures, videos and textbooks all present information in orderly linear ways with a beginning, middle and end. This is excellent for delivering information, but synthesizing and integrating new information the key to deep learning requires very different cognitive processes. This is where visual learning and mind mapping come in. Mapping allows students to capture ideas and integrate content in no fixed or prescribed order, and in ways that use multiple senses. When mapping an idea, a person can skip around from topic to topic, but rather than leading to confusion, mind mapping provides an effective way to capture thinking as it happens. Using our visual, spatial and kinesthetic senses, mind mapping allows people to build a visual model of a concept and organize that information logically. Mind mapping lets learners interact with ideas like puzzle pieces. This allows them to see ideas develop and reflect on their thinking as ideas take shape. Interacting with ideas by moving them around visually and spatially gives learners an authentic and self-directed method to work with information and construct new knowledge. The definition of metacognition is a reflection on one’s own thinking, and mind mapping creates an environment where this naturally occurs. Mind mapping is a uniquely elegant learning strategy because it seamlessly integrates linear, convergent (left-brain) thinking with divergent, non-linear (right-brain) thinking. This visual learning strategy effectively engages the whole mind in processing and analyzing new information. By engaging the whole mind in learning, mind mapping makes learning easier. Whether individuals consider themselves to be visually oriented learners or not, mind mapping provides the ideal framework to develop ideas. It can be used for note taking, writing, reading comprehension, presenting, comparing, review, analysis and much more. Teachers who explore mind mapping as an instructional strategy will be surprised by the countless ways to integrate this universal visual learning strategy. Cognitive learning theories justify mind mapping in education, but your students’ response to the method is the most important proof you will need. Don’t take my word for it. Test mind mapping for yourself. Experiment with non-linear thinking in your classroom. Provide students with a new framework in which they can see their ideas develop. How to Start Mind Mapping in Class There are myriad ways to integrate mind mapping into teaching and learning. To start, try using mind mapping as a way to assess the prior knowledge of your class. Have students map out what they already know about the topic you are about to teach. For young students, try mapping a simple topic like “pets.†For older students beginning a unit on World War II, for example, use that topic as a main idea to develop. As students build visual maps, they will see how their initial ideas fit into a larger picture of the lesson or unit. As the unit covers more content, continue to build on your maps to reflect acquisition of new knowledge. Teachers and learners alike will gain a deeper understanding of the content by seeing how information fits together as a whole. Plus, using mind maps this way is one of the best ways to clearly show the growth and learning that transpired from the beginning of a unit to the end. Mind maps are beneficial in any subject. They can demonstrate what teachers aim to achieve in a lesson or term, they can be integrated into classes as teacher-led activities and students can create their own. Below are a few examples of how to use mind maps as a visual learning strategy in education. Go ahead and use these in your own classroom, or use them as a springboard from which to make your own: Character web (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Character Analysis Web (i.e. Calamity Jane) on MindMeister. Summary web (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Summary Web on MindMeister. Persuasive essay (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Persuasive Essay on MindMeister. Article comparison (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Article Comparison on MindMeister. Event analysis (SS) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Event Analysis on MindMeister. Lab report (Science) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Lab Report on MindMeister. Classification (Science) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Classification on MindMeister. Textbook note taking (Study skills) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Textbook Chapter on MindMeister. Teaching your students how to learn Mind mapping offers students a bold new way to think critically, analyze information, and see their ideas develop. It allows students to use their creativity to think in a way that matches how they naturally process information. As one recent High School graduate said after a workshop on mind mapping: “I always felt that I was slower than the other kids, that I was dumb. Now I feel like I can go to college.†Mind mapping gave him a powerful learning strategy and newfound academic confidence. It unlocked his mind. This student’s experience demonstrates how mind mapping can transform the lives of students by providing them with a new way to learn. If this big, easy method impacts your students as it has impacted me and mine, then teaching this skill will be among the greatest services you can deliver as a teacher. It will prepare your students to be independent thinkers, problem solvers and lifetime learners capable of solving the surprises of an uncertain future. If you teach your students how to learn with this visual learning technique, you will provide them with a tool for lifetime success. Introduce mind mapping in your classroom Try MindMeister for Education From $1 per student! Try MindMeister for Education Visual Learning with Mind Mapping (Guide) - Focus This is a guest post by Jesse Berg, MSIT, M.Ed. Jesse is the author of Visual Leap: A Step-by-Step Guide to Visual Learning for Students and Teachers and a former teacher, instructional technologist, and educational speaker. Connect with Jesse on Twitter via @visualleap. Mind mapping is often considered a visual learning strategy for brainstorming or visualizing ideas, but it is actually far more than that. The value of mind mapping goes beyond simple webbing done in elementary school. It is a universal thinking strategy; a way to organize ideas and learn just about anything. As I explain in my book, Visual Leap: A Step-by-Step Guide to Visual Learning for Teachers and Students, the reason mind mapping works so well is because it matches how people naturally think which is not how most people are taught. In this article, I offer a breakdown of the cognitive learning theories behind how the visual learning technique, mind mapping, can assist learners. I also provide 8 template mind maps, which you can take straight to the classroom. Why is Visual Learning So Useful for Learners? For teachers and students, mind mapping offers a fundamentally different way to work with information. For most of our lives, we are asked to learn information that is presented in a linear form. Lectures, videos and textbooks all present information in orderly linear ways with a beginning, middle and end. This is excellent for delivering information, but synthesizing and integrating new information the key to deep learning requires very different cognitive processes. This is where visual learning and mind mapping come in. Mapping allows students to capture ideas and integrate content in no fixed or prescribed order, and in ways that use multiple senses. When mapping an idea, a person can skip around from topic to topic, but rather than leading to confusion, mind mapping provides an effective way to capture thinking as it happens. Using our visual, spatial and kinesthetic senses, mind mapping allows people to build a visual model of a concept and organize that information logically. Mind mapping lets learners interact with ideas like puzzle pieces. This allows them to see ideas develop and reflect on their thinking as ideas take shape. Interacting with ideas by moving them around visually and spatially gives learners an authentic and self-directed method to work with information and construct new knowledge. The definition of metacognition is a reflection on one’s own thinking, and mind mapping creates an environment where this naturally occurs. Mind mapping is a uniquely elegant learning strategy because it seamlessly integrates linear, convergent (left-brain) thinking with divergent, non-linear (right-brain) thinking. This visual learning strategy effectively engages the whole mind in processing and analyzing new information. By engaging the whole mind in learning, mind mapping makes learning easier. Whether individuals consider themselves to be visually oriented learners or not, mind mapping provides the ideal framework to develop ideas. It can be used for note taking, writing, reading comprehension, presenting, comparing, review, analysis and much more. Teachers who explore mind mapping as an instructional strategy will be surprised by the countless ways to integrate this universal visual learning strategy. Cognitive learning theories justify mind mapping in education, but your students’ response to the method is the most important proof you will need. Don’t take my word for it. Test mind mapping for yourself. Experiment with non-linear thinking in your classroom. Provide students with a new framework in which they can see their ideas develop. How to Start Mind Mapping in Class There are myriad ways to integrate mind mapping into teaching and learning. To start, try using mind mapping as a way to assess the prior knowledge of your class. Have students map out what they already know about the topic you are about to teach. For young students, try mapping a simple topic like “pets.†For older students beginning a unit on World War II, for example, use that topic as a main idea to develop. As students build visual maps, they will see how their initial ideas fit into a larger picture of the lesson or unit. As the unit covers more content, continue to build on your maps to reflect acquisition of new knowledge. Teachers and learners alike will gain a deeper understanding of the content by seeing how information fits together as a whole. Plus, using mind maps this way is one of the best ways to clearly show the growth and learning that transpired from the beginning of a unit to the end. Mind maps are beneficial in any subject. They can demonstrate what teachers aim to achieve in a lesson or term, they can be integrated into classes as teacher-led activities and students can create their own. Below are a few examples of how to use mind maps as a visual learning strategy in education. Go ahead and use these in your own classroom, or use them as a springboard from which to make your own: Character web (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Character Analysis Web (i.e. Calamity Jane) on MindMeister. Summary web (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Summary Web on MindMeister. Persuasive essay (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Persuasive Essay on MindMeister. Article comparison (ELA) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Article Comparison on MindMeister. Event analysis (SS) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Event Analysis on MindMeister. Lab report (Science) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Lab Report on MindMeister. Classification (Science) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Classification on MindMeister. Textbook note taking (Study skills) Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Textbook Chapter on MindMeister. Teaching your students how to learn Mind mapping offers students a bold new way to think critically, analyze information, and see their ideas develop. It allows students to use their creativity to think in a way that matches how they naturally process information. As one recent High School graduate said after a workshop on mind mapping: “I always felt that I was slower than the other kids, that I was dumb. Now I feel like I can go to college.†Mind mapping gave him a powerful learning strategy and newfound academic confidence. It unlocked his mind. This student’s experience demonstrates how mind mapping can transform the lives of students by providing them with a new way to learn. If this big, easy method impacts your students as it has impacted me and mine, then teaching this skill will be among the greatest services you can deliver as a teacher. It will prepare your students to be independent thinkers, problem solvers and lifetime learners capable of solving the surprises of an uncertain future. If you teach your students how to learn with this visual learning technique, you will provide them with a tool for lifetime success. Introduce mind mapping in your classroom Try MindMeister for Education From $1 per student! Try MindMeister for Education
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Analysis of Countee Cullens Yet Do I Marvel
Analysis of Countee Cullens Yet Do I Marvel Poetry is often meant to be smooth, flowing, pleasing to the ear and the mind. To achieve this effect, many poets use different poetic techniques to help convey the meanings of their poetry. In the sonnet, Yet Do I Marvel written by Countee Cullen, many different features of poetry is used. In this essay, I will discuss the relationship between the meanings and the theme Cullen tries to convey in his sonnet and the techniques of metaphors, both religious and non-religious, allusions to Greek mythology, different rhyme schemes and repetition that he uses. In his sonnet, Cullen uses strong themes of religious metaphors while adding many non-religious metaphors at the same time.†¦show more content†¦Allusions of Greek mythology provide excellent images for Cullen?s questions as the mythology seem like metaphors themselves. ?Make plain the reason tortured Tantalus / Is baited by the fickle fruit,? (Lines 5 ? 6). In Greek mythology, Tantalus was one of Zeus?s non-immortal sons who became immortal by dining with the Gods. However, after telling his friends the secrets of the Gods, he was punished by being place up to his chin in water that he could not drink, and with fruit in sight that he could not reach. Cullen uses Tantalus as an allusion to question God about why humans are given grace of the Gods/God, but are kept from the ?fruit? of actually being divine-beings. By saying, ?Make plain?, he wishes for God to tell him in terms that he could understand. Again, the speaker makes clear his position relative to that of God. ?declare / If merely brute caprice dooms Sisyphus / To struggle up a never-ending stair.? The second example of allusion that Cullen uses is the story of Sisyphus, who was the king of Corinth and for his efforts in trying to avoid death and Hades, he was condemned eternally to roll a huge boulder uphill. Cullen uses Sisyphus to make a connection to this ?Mortal Coil? we all endure. We all work and go about our daily lives, but towards what end? What is the point of our work and our lives? Is it out of caprice that God has done this to us? Did God doom us to this on a whim? Again, in Cullens view, GodShow MoreRelatedJames Langston Hughes And Countee Cullen934 Words  | 4 Pages James Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen were prominent poets. These poets were at the time of the Harlem Renaissance during the 20th century. Hughes and Cullen wrote for others to understand the stories of African-Americans living in the United State. These men had differences in their writing, but one mu tual objective. James Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri on February 1, 1902. Hughes began writing poetry when he lived in Lincoln, Illinois. The Weary Blues was his first book of poetryRead More The Work of Countee Cullen Essay1861 Words  | 8 PagesCountee Cullens poetry was extremely motivated by race. He produced poetry that celebrates his African American Heritage, dramatizes black heroism, and reveals the reality of being black in a hostile world. In Harlem Wine, Cullen reveals how blacks overcome their pain and rebellious inclinations through the medium of music (Shields 907). James Weldon Johnson said that Cullen was always seeking to free himself and his art from these bonds (Shields 905). In Yet Do I Marvel, Cullen raises questions
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Biology Chemical Tests and Test - 2049 Words
Biology 100 Lab Laboratory Report Title: Identifying the four major classes of macromolecules through various tests. Group Members: Antonia Johnson, Payton Ewing, Lenneisha Hepburn, Kendisha Hanna, Introduction: Macromolecules also known as biological molecules are monomers which are the simple units of polymers. All macromolecules contain carbon and hydrogen which are found in organic compounds. In this Experiment we will test for the presence of protein, starch, lipids, and sugars by analyzing the content off food and / or other substances by utilizing different testing methods. In the scientific method, a chemical test that is sensitive to these groups can be used to identify molecules that are in that class. Testing involves†¦show more content†¦To the same test tube 10 drops of Sudan IV dye was added. The test tube was then shaken and allowed to set for 1 minute. The test tube was then carefully observed for the distribution of dye, water and salad oil. The results were then recorded and the experiment was repeated with the remaining substances. The Grease Spot test (test for lipids ) An unglazed paper was obtained and several drops of food item/substance to be tested were then added. An observation was then made for a translucent grease mark on the paper. Results were then recorded Results Biuret Test Test tube Number | Biuret reagent | Substance to be tested | Color Before | Color after the substance was added | 1 | 10 drops | 1ml of 10% albumin | Blue | lilac | 2 | 10 drops | 1ml of milk | Blue | lavender | 3 | 10 drops | 1ml of potato | Blue | clear | 4 | 10 drops | 1ml 50% egg albumin | Blue | purple | 5 | 10 drops | 1ml boiled bean mixture | Blue | Rusty brown | 6 | 10 drops | 1ml 10% sucrose | Blue | Clear | 7 | 10 drops | 1ml unknown | Blue | Yellow/green | 8 | 10 drops | 1ml control | Blue | lilac | 9 | 10 drops | 1ml salad oil | Blue | Emissible (did not mix) | 10 | 10 drops | 1ml Chicken (cooked) | Blue | Lavender | Iodine test (test for starch) Test Tube Number | Drops of Iodine | Substance to be tested | Color Before the substance was added | Color After the substance was added | 1 | 4 | Potato | Brown | Black | 2 | 4 |Show MoreRelatedThe Influence of Light on Photosynthesis1500 Words  | 6 Pagesprocess of converting light energy into chemical potential energy and storing it as starch. This process occurs in plants and some algae. Plants need light energy, CO2, and H2O to make sugar. The process of photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts, specifically using chlorophyll in green leaves. We have been told in class that the four factors necessary for photosynthesis are light, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and temperature. The factor I decided to test was light because photosynthesis is oftenRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Wrong?1288 Words  | 6 PagesTESTING IS WRONG The words animal testing mean to perform procedures on living animals for the research of basic human biology and diseases, finding out the effectiveness of new medical products, and testing the human health and environmental safety of consumer and industry products like cosmetics, household cleaners, food additives, pharmaceuticals and industrial/agro-chemicals and means using other living organisms except humans for testing. All procedures, even those classified as â€Å"mild,†haveRead MorePhotosintersis Experiment1317 Words  | 6 Pagescaptures energy from sunlight. Plants, algae, and some bacteria use the energy captured during photosynthesis for their metabolic reactions. During photosynthesis in plants, chlorophyll and enzymes in leaves convert certain wavelengths of light into chemical energy. A simple equation can be used to represent photosynthesis. Enzymes and Chlorophyll light energy CO2 H2O carbohydrate O2 In this investigation you will examine the relationship between the amount of light energy available and the rateRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Wrong And Cruel Animals1195 Words  | 5 Pagesher. So my love for my dog has made me realize that animal testing is wrong and cruel to animals. I will be going over some of the history of animal testing, giving examples of some of the tests that are being performed, and mentioning some of the laws and acts created. While reading through this think is this test necessary when the animals will be put through cruel procedures. This is why I think that animal testing should be reevaluated to see if it is really worthwhile. What is animal testingRead MoreAnimal Testing : Inhumane And Unmoral1351 Words  | 6 Pageslives for next to no reason while subject to test in laboratories that give us these products. Animal testing is inhumane and unmoral. It needs to be stopped and the public needs to be educated about what is animal testing and the negative effect it has on animals, educated on animal testing alternatives, and educated on which organizations to support in the world to get rid of animal testing. Animals are test subjects of numerous products. Animal test subjects are used to see if products are unsafeRead MoreThe Effect Of Temperature On Rate Of Enzyme Activity1493 Words  | 6 Pages Each enzyme was then placed in a test tube with hydrogen peroxide and the rate of enzyme activity was measured. The result was that the rate of enzyme activity decreased as the temperature increased for the liver enzyme, but increased for the potato enzyme. Introduction/Hypothesis: An enzyme is usually a protein that works as a catalyst, which is anything that helps to speed up, or catalyze, the chemical reaction (BolsterMoss, n.d.). To speed up a chemical reaction, enzymes lower the activationRead MoreUsing Benedicts Reagent, Iodine, And Biuret Reagent1191 Words  | 5 PagesDevyn Dubose Class Bio301 January 28th. 2016. 2:00 pm Title: Objective: The purpose of this experiment was to test various materials, using benedicts reagent, iodine, and biuret reagent Hypothesis: If you were to heat a substance and the color were to change to black then it will be an organic substance If Benedicts is added to different substances a chemical reactions occurs which causes the substances to turn red-brown. If the testing material contains starch it will turn a black-blue color whenRead MoreAlzheimers Disease Takes Away Our Loved Ones Before They Are Gone794 Words  | 4 Pagescholesterol. Biology of psychology 3 While there is no single test the doctors can do to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, there are many factors they take in effect before saying a person has the disease. Doctors will do a variety of tests including, a complete family history (is there a history of Alzheimer’s disease in the family) and a physical examination (is the person depressed; do they have a traumatic brain injury that can cause the same symptoms?). The next step is to do tests on the brainRead MoreWhat Is Life? Worksheet1661 Words  | 7 Pagesthe fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology. Include the link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how fundamental concepts of chemistry affect biology. Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms. It oversees every living process and organism. According to Arizona State University (2003), â€Å"by controlling the information flow through biochemical signaling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism; biochemical processesRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Stop Testing Their Products On Animals1722 Words  | 7 Pagesin leading to new discoveries and human benefit. However, what many people tend to forget are the numbers of animal subjects that have suffered serious harm during the process of experimentation. Each day across America innocent animals are used as test subjects for products that have little to no relevance importance. Animal testing has had many negative issues arise in society in a negative way. Debating over the animal rights movement has raised many questions and concerns for years. There is an
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ten Minute Time Sample Observation Free Essays
Ten minute child’s observation Observer: someone Aim: To do a ten minute time sample observation of a child engaged in a play activity. Date of observation: 29 11 2011 Observation started: 9. 55 Observation completed: 10. We will write a custom essay sample on Ten Minute Time Sample Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now 05 Child’s Initials: AWDate of Birth or Age: 4 years 5 months Legend: Child observed = AWOther girl = ESG = small group P= pair of childrenSOL = alone Evaluation : During the observation I did, AW was engaged in play all the time. She was playing with other children most of time. She is confidently interacting with other children while playing. She speaks clearly, in simple sentences. Asks simple questions. In ten minutes time she used even five areas in the nursery; so she’s very confident in there. Also, she doesn’t like staying in one area for a long time and she engages in imaginative play. Interested in shapes while in gluing activity. From this observation, I can tell that she has a good social skills, but, also, that she likes to dominate and tell other children what to do. Plays very well with E, likes to spend time with her, but sometimes doesn’t want to take turns. Time Setting Language Social group Comments 9. 55 In a construction area, going to play hide and seek. AW Â ® E ‘see if you can find me. ‘ E Â ® AW ‘I’m sure I will’ P AW is going to find some place where to hide, E is not looking. 9. 56 In construction area hiding under the table. None SOL AW is hiding and E is trying to find her looking in all the nursery areas. 9. 57 In house corner – AW is hiding in the wardrobe None SOL AW has changed area, E didn’t notice her. Finally E finds AW in the wardrobe. AW is very happy. 9. 58 Music area AW Â ® E ‘can you please turn the music o? ’ E Â ® AW ‘sure, I can’ P AW is in music corner together with E again. She has a suitcase full of things. She found a remote control and gave it to E. 9. 59 Music area Whispering to each other P AW and E are hiding behind the armchair and laughing silently. 10. 00 New experiences area AW: ‘I want to be a dog; I want to be a dog!!! ’ SG AW, E and to other girls are playing in new experiences area. AW finds a dog bed and she’s pretending that she is a dog lying in dog’s bed. 10. 01 New experiences area E Â ® AW ‘let me be a dog now? ’ AW: ‘no, I am a dog!!! ’ SG AW doesn’t allow E to be a dog, because she wants to be a dog and she is still lying in a dog’s bed. 10. 02 New experiences None SG AW is still in a bed, pretending sleeping. 10. 03 New experiences AW: ‘sssh, I am sleeping’ SG AW is telling other girls to be quite, because she is sleeping. Other girls are quite now. 10. 04 Gluing area None SG AW is taking some card boxes from the shelf, measuring them and comparing shapes. 10. 05 Gluing area None SG AW took some boxes from the shelf and she put some glue on it. Later she took decorations from the box and started to decorate her art. She plays silently How to cite Ten Minute Time Sample Observation, Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Litmus, What Is It and Why Is It Important free essay sample
Litmus, what is it? And why is it important? Litmus was first used around 1300 AD by Arnaldus de Villa Nova, a Spanish alchemist . The word Litmus, comes from the Norse word, meaning ‘to dye, or color’ . Litmus is a common acid-base indicator. Acid-base indicators are indicators used in chemistry as chemical detectors. They provide information about changes in the environment. They are widely used in chemistry due to the fact that they change color reversibly, indirectly indicating the concentration of hydrogen ions present in tested solutions or mixtures. Being one of the most well known acid-base indicators, litmus is a water-soluble mixture of different dyes derived from natural substances, lichens, especially Roccella tinctoria, which is a kind of composite organism consisting of symbiotic association of a fungus with a photosynthetic partner, most commonly green algae . Litmus can be in a dark blue aqueous form, and it can also be absorbed onto filter paper to become the most common and oldest form of pH indicator. We will write a custom essay sample on Litmus, What Is It? and Why Is It Important? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Neutral litmus paper is purple in color In the presence of acids, blue litmus paper turns pink; In the presence of alkalis, red litmus paper it turns blue. Hence, it is often used for testing for the presence of acids and alkalis. This color change occurs over the pH range of 4. 5 – 8. 3 at 25Â °C. Litmus itself is a weak acid , when it is un-ionized it is red, when it is ionized, it is blue. If litmus is added to a solution where there is a presence of hydroxide ions, the hydroxide ions will react with the hydrogen ions from litmus, the equilibrium position moves to replace the lost hydrogen ions, hence litmus turns blue. Similarly, when it is added into a hydrogen ion containing solution, there will be extra hydrogen ions and so the equilibrium will shift in the other direction, to remove the extra hydrogen ions present, hence litmus turns red. When the concentration of hydrogen ions and unionized limus is the same, a position of equilibrium is reached and the neutral state will be shown by the color purple, a mixture of red and blue. Having many uses in the science field, litmus is certainly an important indicator. It can be used in various fields of science, such as and not limited to, chemistry, biology, and botany. In chemistry, it is most recognized as an indicator used for determining whether substances are basic or acidic. It can also indicate end points during experiments involving titrations. Litmus paper is also very commonly used by chemistry teachers to teach topics related to acids and bases. In biology, litmus paper can be utilized to test specific environmental and biological factors, testing the pH levels. Knowing the pH of the environment is of high importance in this field as most life forms can only survive in a very small range of pH levels. For example, with homo sapiens, humans, the pH levels in their blood have to be very constant, slight changes like blood carbon dioxide levels can easily result in serious damage, coma and may even lead to death. An example of pH testing in this field is the pregnancy test, where the urine acidity of subjects can indicate whether or not they are pregnant. In the field of botany, which is the scientific study of plants , litmus can be used in testing the pH of soil. Plants can only grow in soil of some ranges of pH, if soil is too acidic, they cannot grow or develop properly. If the pH is not right, fertilizers composed of basic components such as calcium carbonate can be used to help foster plant growth. To conclude, litmus is an acid-base indicator with a long history of use in many fields of science and has much importance in those fields. http://chemistry.about.com/b/2009/01/09/what-is-litmus-paper.htm http://www.ehow.com/about_5061005_uses-litmus-paper.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litmus http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/indicators.html http://www.normalbreathing.com/CO2-blood-pH-respiratory-alkalosis.php http://www.botany.org/bsa/careers/car-what.html
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